
Legacy Video Conferencing vs the Cloud

3 Sep 2018 | Cloud Services

You have a legacy/traditional video conferencing platform, this platform is potentially no longer supported or upgradable, or it’s supported with costly yearly support contracts, yet it doesn’t give you the features you require?

Involve Cloud removes these pains and provides you with the platform that works for your business needs.


You shop around for a platform with new features in mind… you want the capabilities you currently have, which is communicating with your already deployed systems and similar systems out there in the big wide world but you now want to expand. You don’t want to be limited with only “Standards Based” systems, you want to have guests joining from anywhere: you require interop with Skype For Business and you want users to join from a laptop or audio if they’re running late.

With this objective in mind you look at what’s available, a solution ticks a lot of boxes, but you quickly find it needs an interop platform to pick up the missing pieces, and then you have the worry that you potentially need to buy two separate platforms, amounting to higher costs, more training and greater complexity to maintain. You may possibly find a product that does deliver end-to-end, but again you have the concern of costs, licences, management etc.

So, what do you do? Do you take on this mammoth task of deciding which way to go and raising a case to justify this amount of spend/investment or do you look for a service without the headache?

Involve Cloud is that service. Why take on the burden and cost of doing this yourself, when this cloud service ticks all the boxes of features you require, it saves you the need to replace all the video endpoints you currently have, it removes the expense of support contracts, associated licences, training and hosting costs.



Involve Cloud allows users to communicate from any device, anywhere in the world, whether that be a traditional video conferencing room, users on a laptop or mobile device with any or no video system of their own. The service allows Skype for Business to talk to “Standards Based”, it allows guests to join via a web browser and users on audio only via a telephone to communicate 1-1, or multiple systems in a single cloud room.

To find out more about refreshing your legacy video conferencing estate, please get in touch. 

