
The Role of Digital Signage in Schools

19 Jan 2018 | Guest Blog

In today’s fast-paced digital world, messaging and communication needs to be short and sweet. That’s why digital signage is used to easily provide passersby with up-to-date communication regarding a product offering, public announcement, or other important message. Administrators are using digital signage in schools to reduce waste while effectively transmitting messages.


Identify Communication Problems in Schools

Teachers and school administrators are constantly looking for ways to improve communication with students and parents. Verbal communications, written notices, and emails are fine on an individual level, but they don’t always work for a wider school audience. Here are some of the most common barriers to communication educational facilities face:


  • Time-sensitive announcements. Intercom communications only reach individuals within hearing range at the time of the announcement. Even those within hearing range may not register the announcement as important, and if they do, they might not clearly understand the message being relayed.


  • Wasted paper resources. Flyers posted on bulletin boards and newsletters stuffed into school mailboxes or backpacks often go unnoticed. Many boards in educational facilities feature dated information that doesn’t help students or educators. This ineffective messaging is not only a waste of paper, but it can also be a waste of time.


  • Reaching only partial audiences. Many schools employ programs to deploy emergency or important notifications through emails or text messages. These notifications do a great job of reaching individuals who routinely rely on their devices for information, but may exclude individuals who don’t have a device with them or who don’t check their messages on a regular basis.


Digital signage picks up where traditional modes of communication leave off. In many cases, it complements existing forms of communication, such as digital notifications. Schools are finding new ways to use this unique medium every day, from changing the lunch menu in the cafeteria to broadcasting a system-wide emergency alert. The digital signs are eye-catching, easily changeable, environmentally friendly, and cost effective.


digital signage in schools


Invest in Digital Signage that Supports Your School’s Needs

Administrators need to see the versatile nature of digital signage in order to invest in the technology as a complement to current communications strategies. Today’s students grew up with digital technology, and digital messaging engages them in a way that alternative modes simply cannot.

Schools can use digital signage to display static announcements as well as dynamic videos, GIFs, and memes without wasting ink or paper. Educational facilities that use digital signage are finding new ways to captivate audiences in the classroom, cafeteria, and around campus. These connected devices typically feature user-friendly functionality for changing the sign at a moment’s notice. The places where schools are using these innovative digital displays include:


  • Classrooms. Digital signs feature high-quality screens that can be used for announcements, educational program viewing, and custom-designed reminders or quiz questions. Some digital signs feature interactive technology and can take the place of a conventional whiteboard or projector.


  • Cafeterias. Cafeteria staff can remind students of important school-wide events while showcasing the daily, weekly, or monthly menu to students as they wait in line or while they are seated for meals.


  • Assembly spaces. In a gym assembly space, signage can do double duty as a scoreboard. As an accompaniment to assembly spaces, digital signs can maximize presentations, performances, and showcase important information to a captive audience.


  • Libraries and bookstores. Share the latest incoming books and product information, advertise specials on popular textbooks, or share a literary joke in a frequented space.


As a universal, versatile, and connected communication device, digital signage is an ideal investment for any educational facility. Consider implementing digital signs in your own space to reduce environmental waste, maximize space, and improve the administrative reach around campus.
