
Exploring the Top AV Trends on Campus

16 Jan 2018 | Guest Blog

AV integrators stand ready to help clients in more profound ways than ever thanks to advances in technology and campus culture.  Ed Tech trends on university campuses are changing the way students learn, collaborate, and have access to basic needs of student life.

Further, Ed Tech trends are assisting colleges and universities in enhancing their research and development work. Our Higher Ed clients are looking to us to help them by moving beyond the basics of new technology and really diving deeper to show them what they can expect from their tech. While there has never been more affordable access to state of the art projectors, audio, and AV components of all types, helping clients focus on the underlying shifts in AV integration approach on campuses will enhance learning and student life beyond equipment upgrades.

ed tech AV on campus


  1. Hybrid Space

Higher Education clients are facing a shift in the basic approach to space and real estate management in learning centers. Colleges and universities traditionally envisioned campus areas in silos. But today’s students and faculties cross-utilise cafeteria space for classes, library space for cafes, and dorm rooms for access points to collaborative presentations. The benefits of AV integration extend throughout the campus, and require connectivity to the larger world beyond campus walls.


  1. Wireless

Today’s students and faculty members value wireless access points for their smartphones and internet service across campus. But AV integrators can move their Higher Ed clients past these basics with attention to wireless tech and AV connectivity.

Traditional AV support was often hampered by the physical limitations of moving equipment and connecting technology in the classroom. But, as Advanced AV points out, today’s campuses integrate AV in a way that is seamless. You can grant access to multiple users—students and faculty alike—that allows for interactive presentations, collaborative learning, and enhanced access to the best technology.  Since only three percent of people come up with their best ideas in the workplace, it’s important for campuses to adopt interactive AV that will allows students and faculty to work and collaborate on ideas and research from every spot on campus and beyond.


  1. Blended Courses

Higher Ed clients are facing an increasing need for AV integration to support their distance learning and institutional assets. From interactive lectures to AV supported access points—distance learning and digital course creation is evolving rapidly in Higher Ed.

Campuses also require a blend of the traditional classroom learning benefits with these distance learning realities. Implementing integrated AV supports the changing needs of students and faculty, as well as the cost savings and process improvement your clients can achieve with blended course models.


  1. Collaboration

Ed Tech is transforming education by allowing students and faculty members to have access to the world at-large. As campuses expand and become hubs of activity in the commercial and research sectors—demands for interactive access to geographically dispersed people and resources increases. Just as medical professionals and research institutions are leveraging cloud technology for better healthcare in geographically remote regions,  Higher Ed clients can connect students to the best resources and subject matter experts around the globe. On a smaller scale, students and faculty can also interact with one another from different places on campus and integrate the various colleges and schools within their universities to support holistic learning.


  1. Interactive Boards

The spirit of collaboration, and the widespread use of hybrid space, is inherent in campus culture today. This can be seen through interactive boards and digital signage that provide major benefits beyond the walls of the classroom.

Higher Ed clients should be helped to leverage the best practices of corporate culture for the needs of their operations and campus support staff as well. Our friends at HB point out that interactive boards are more than a communication tool. This technology enables the necessary collaboration, interaction, and cost-efficiencies at the core of the latest AV trends in higher education.

Implementing interactive technology—like digital displays and interactive boards—across campus will enhance student experience, drive efficiencies in support, and create skills that will extend into the job market post-graduation. These boards and signage can work efficiently in on-campus housing to help deploy resources, as well as in the classroom to create an interactive learning experience. With AV integration and a focus on hybrid spaces, universities can be kept ahead of the trends and allow for access and collaboration starting today.


Borrowing from Commercial Applications

In the commercial world we know that banking clients, retailers, and even grocery store chains are investing in interactive tech. In fact, gaming companies are expanding into education because of the cross applications of the tools and technology. The latest market research shows that 89 percent of marketers believe their primary differentiator to be customer experience. Ed Tech on campus uses the best commercial applications to enhance the student experience and drive improvements in learning. Involve can bring the best of these practices, combined with the required technology tools, to help our clients succeed in creating more productive and efficient campus space.

Involve will be at the Bett Show with the Catchbox, the world’s first throwable microphone. Catch us at stand E171, 24 – 27 January 2018 at the Bett Show. 
