
Does Digital Signage Screen Resolution Really Matter?

21 Sep 2017 | Blog

It seems as though every year, television manufacturers are developing a higher resolution screen. Each year, the picture gets brighter and clearer, but does it really matter to the consumer looking at your digital signage display? Will a consumer be able to tell the difference between 4K digital signage screen resolution and the new 8K resolution? Is it worth investing money on the latest screen technology?

The answer: It’s different for each business. As such, when it comes to digital signage, customers need to ask questions before investing in higher resolution displays and understand what their options are. Let’s take a look.

Use Your Digital Signage Appropriately

The hardware behind high-end LCD screens has vastly improved in recent years. Thanks to lower manufacturing costs, increased durability, and better video processing software, just about any business in any industry can easily invest in new digital signage. However, when making a purchasing decision, business owners should carefully evaluate how they use the digital signage they already have, how they plan to use digital signage in the future, and whether or not an upgrade is warranted.

Recently, large-scale digital signage, is typically constructed of LCD panels tiled together into massive displays. However, older screens have large pixels due to the nature of the technology, resulting in thick, unsightly lines between the tiles. Businesses that use larger displays comprised of tiled LCD screens may want to invest in newer, seamless tiled screens. Not only are the newer screens ultra-thin with nearly invisible edges, they don’t consume as much power as previous iterations. The costs associated with investing in newer digital signage may be easily offset by energy bill savings, thanks to cheaper production costs and more energy-efficient screens.

digital signage screen resolution

Consider the Best Location for Your New Screens

The location of a business’s digital signage is a vital factor when considering an upgrade. Newer screens are more durable and cheaper to produce, so maintenance costs shouldn’t be as much of a concern as they were in previous years. A higher-resolution outdoor display will be clearer to viewers at longer distances. Better resolution matters for indoor, closer-range viewing as well. Sharp displays with small bezels are going to look more modern for much longer than older displays. Video content is obviously crucial, but how the consumer observes that content matters as well, and having a high-end, modern display is going to be more attractive to most consumers.

Think About Hardware Upgrades Carefully

Some businesses have smaller, single-screen displays for their establishments, and customers are typically much closer when viewing these setups. A display upgrade may go unnoticed by a large percentage of close-range viewers, but to those who do notice the change that an upgrade to higher-resolution displays conveys forward momentum and reliability – a business that invests in the latest technology sends a message to consumers that it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Depending on the size of the screen display in question, upgrading can be an easy choice for some businesses and a difficult one for others. The sizes, locations, and orientations of your digital signage are critical factors, but business owners need to carefully assess their target customer bases and consider whether a hardware upgrade will go unnoticed or unappreciated. Even massive overhauls aren’t as much of a concern as they were a few years ago, thanks to improvements in high-resolution display technology.

