
From HSCN to N3 and what it means for video conferencing

1 Nov 2017 | Blog

The impending migration from N3 to HSCN following the Five Year Forward View and National Information Board’s Personalised Health & Care 2020 Plan means that, as an NHS Trust, the world of opportunity for patient focused applications suddenly increased greatly. Instead of being railroaded down a single supplier route, HSCN opens up the possibilities of allowing a whole host of accredited suppliers to offer their services at competitive rates into the NHS, via the HSCN.

NHS trusts now have options regarding video infrastructure or video endpoints, with procurement of a video conferencing solution that is interoperable with HSCN being more straight forward with countless ways of managing that process.

Furthermore, video conferencing as-a-service helps NHS trusts to deliver flexibility and a lower-risk approach to a video conferencing deployment.  By subscribing to the medio.link video service, an NHS trust can scale-up a fully Skype for Business integrated, fully hosted cloud based video conferencing system in a matter of hours, whilst still procuring through trusted frameworks, such as G-cloud9.

medio.link sits in a desirable position of still remaining N3 hosted (ideal for those NHS Trusts that are yet to transition), but also have the ability to connect into HSCN via the Transition Network. Either way, it’s a video platform that can grow and migrate when the trusts are ready, rather than forcing them down one particular route.

If you’d like to have a conversation about transitioning to HSCN and the impact that may have, please do get in touch as we’d be happy to explore options with you and provide an insight into the approaches other NHS trusts are taking.
