
ISDN based video conferencing in the NHS

5 Nov 2017 | Blog

medio.link is an online virtual meeting platform powered by Involve Cloud, which is fully integrated with both Skype for Business and ISDN lines. Involve have over 25 years’ experience providing class leading solutions in the audio/visual industry. This led to Involve becoming a trusted supplier to large public sector organisations such as the NHS and the Ministry of Justice.

Since Jeremy Hunt announced he wanted to create a modern, digital and paperless NHS, all telecommunications talk has been about IP (Internet Protocol). With the introduction of NHS Mail 2 and, as a result, Skype for Business being implemented into trusts, is there any need for old forms of video communications over ISDN lines? Short answer – yes… for now.

The Ministry of Justice still utilises ISDN lines for secure video communications in and out of the prison/court network, resulting in the need to bridge into the ISDN bases prison/court network when calling using an IP based video conferencing unit or desktop system. medio.link provides an affordable ISDN breakout service which allows you to reach ISDN based systems directly from your medio.link Virtual Meeting Room.


              3 uses medio.link ISDN capabilities:


  1. Secure health unit to court network – Often patients in secure mental health units are required to attend court for varying reasons. The cost required to transport a patient to a court facility can be extremely high due the security and transport required. This can be solved by enabling your units to communicate with courts over video.


  1. Patient assessment in a prison setting – It is equally as costly to transport a patient from the prison network to a hospital. Often routine physical therapy follow ups or mental health assessments can be just as effective over video. If a patient has an issue which requires a specialised team, often they will have to travel large distances to be seen, at great cost and possible discomfort.


  1. Hospitals on old ISDN video conferencing based systems – Yes, believe it or not we are still seeing use for medio.link’s ISDN dial in capability. Users dialling in from ISDN systems simply need to dial 01925713986 from their endpoint, they will be sent to a virtual receptionist where they will be asked for a conference ID – once they have entered yours they will be placed into your medio.link Virtual Meeting Room.


If you’d like more information on medio.link and its ISDN bridging capabilities, click here to email us and one of our team will be in touch. Alternatively, you can call us on 0845 805 3455.
