
Collaborative working from home

20 Jun 2018 | Audio Visual Collaboration, Blog, Cloud Services, Interactive Technology

Collaborative Workspace Solutions

I manage to see my colleagues every single day, but 38% of my time is working from home, 989 miles from the office! How do I do this? Through collaborative working from home, powered by solutions from Involve.

After 11 years of working remotely, I had no idea I could revolutionise and increase my productivity dramatically through collaborative working with the right tech.

In January 2018 I joined a new organisation, Involve, who passionately believe in simple and practical connectivity solutions, to be more specific, visual collaboration. They listen to a client’s needs and then design, install and support the new technology, providing market leading collaboration solutions for businesses. So far, my mind has been blown by the installs Involve have done, be it meeting rooms all over the UK or all over the world, through our global reach thanks to PSNI. Having easy, one-click visual connectivity to your colleagues, prospects, clients and suppliers has never been easier.



My new role & collaborative remote working 

I am with prospects/clients or in the office 58% of the time, I am travelling 4% & I work from home 38%. I wrote this blog whilst travelling, as that 4% of travel is on planes and the 38% of home working is in the South of France, 989 miles from the office.



With Involve and how they work, I am now more productive with the potential limitation barriers removed when I’m working from home. I see my colleagues every single day, using secure Involve Cloud virtual meeting rooms. Previously, using email or the phone had limitations or received perception challenges. Often in the past I have made a call and the call hasn’t gone well, so I have wondered if it was my tone, my choice of words, my timing or a challenging subject. This has led to either more emails or calls, and wasted time being unproductive. This is avoided by using collaboration platforms like Involve Cloud and Skype for Business.


The new world I live in

In that new 38% of time working remotely, 95% of my communication is now video communication. As I’m typing my thoughts, I find it hard to express how much using video has revolutionised my productivity when remote working.

I now see my colleagues or prospects whenever I want, and on many occasions when engaging in a thought provoking call, I can now change the course of the conversation depending on the other persons visual cues such as facial expressions and body language. Through video, we can see each other’s reactions to suggestions and challenging questions, meaning we do not have to second guess the each other’s thoughts.


New to the team

Although I have only been with Involve for 20 weeks, I feel it has been so much longer as I have been able to build relationships with my colleagues through the daily collaboration we have. In the 38% of remote working time, I see at least one colleague every single day through video and we share our computer screens to show our work and ideas through our secure solutions. This freedom has cut down travel for me significantly, I have been able to discuss, debate and agree so much more quickly with colleagues on sales and technical discussions.

