
Getting Ready for 2020 & Beyond

16 Dec 2019 | Interactive Technology

In preparation for a new year and a new decade, we take a long hard look around us. Our markets are in good shape, but they are evolving to meet the needs of their stakeholders, and so must we.

At Involve, change is normal. Our journey is one from Fax, via Video Conferencing to Audio Visual Integration, which is a mere simplification of what has happened in my (almost) 20 years here.

Currently, we see that both the audio visual and UC&C markets are less about endpoints, inputs and outputs and we exist in a platform world.


So, what next?

In order to best serve the needs of our clients, our focus is on improving the end-to-end customer experience. Platforms are not new to us here at Involve, we are incredibly proud of our Immedicare, Medio and Interpreter platforms and in order to meet the developing needs of all platforms and services, focus is the keyword. But, the right kind of focus…

We wanted a dedicated ‘task force’: leaders with experience, ideas and the courage to deliver best in class solutions and services with unbeatable customer experience.

involve 2020

I am honoured to announce our new Directors of Technical Services, Daniel Loomes & Kev Talbot…

The guys will be work with the Involve Board as advisers across our whole portfolio and throughout the whole customer journey.

Kev Talbot: “I cannot wait to engage with vendors, customers and our teams to establish an initial set of goals”

Dan Loomes: “I’m thoroughly looking forward to helping shape the future of Involve and providing our customers with the best possible experience”


I am beyond confident that this move will deliver immediate results as we aim to improve customer engagement right from the first meeting through to service management.

All of the very best guys.


